
28 October 2016 - 15:43 - 8 years 18 weeks ago

We are excited to announce the official opening of the Pick n Pay store in Centro Kabulonga Mall in Lusaka, Zambia. Pick n Pay has given the 2200 sqm shop a new look and feel, the first one in Zambia in this new fit out. There are a number of promotions running and the shop is doing well.

16 August 2016 - 08:32 - 8 years 29 weeks ago

The yoo2 Rio de Janeiro hotel was proudly developed by Pylos do Brasil, who will be keeping the asset in its portfolio. The yoo2 experience, a series of events held between 22-24th of July, marked the official opening of the yoo2 Rio de Janeiro by Intercity hotel. The activities were well attended by the local media and a series of Brazilian celebrities.

At the time Pylos acquired the industrial site “Eli Lilly” in 2007, the site of +10 hectares was composed of 4 production and R&D buildings. The project was in a 1st stage reconverted to a mixed use business park with the main focus on biotech companies. Within a timeframe of 2 years Pylos redeveloped the entire stock of 20.000 sq.m.

Pylos Zambia is proud to announce it has secured Pick n Pay and Woolworths as anchor tenants for Centro Kabulonga, a 7100 m2 GLA retail center under construction in the Kabulonga neighborhood of  Lusaka.

30 October 2015 - 13:44 - 9 years 18 weeks ago

With the sale of the project ‘Gare 36’ in Luxembourg, Pylos highlights the potential of the station area.

This mixed-use development is a commercial success and was rented out on plan to the German retailer Ulla Popken and a renowned law firm. Additionally, the apartments were all reserved before renovations commenced. 

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